Complaints Policy

If you find any content on the site that violates applicable laws or standards, or which you believe may have been produced without the model’s consent, or if you find any material to which you hold the copyright and which you believe is posted without your permission, you can report a complaint and a request for removal by contacting me at my email (sandra at tranniesintrouble dot com) or at Please include details of the specific material in question and your concerns regarding its use on Trannies In Trouble.

Once the complain is received, I'll review the complaint personally and reply within seven business days with a decision regarding removal of the material if in fact I find a violation in applicable laws and standards, consent issues, or copyright issues.

Appeals Process

If you are unsatisfied with my answer, and feel that the material is still in violation of applicable laws or standards, or feel that you are depicted in any of the material without consent, you can file an appeal with your follow-up concerns at either of the same emails above. Upon receipt of your appeal, I'll again review the complaint and reply within five business days with an answer. If you still have concerns and are not satisfied with my answer, then the complaint will be resolved by a neutral arbitrator. Please be assured that I take all complaints seriously and it is my policy to quickly remove any material when there is a legitimate concern. I never want any legally questionable material to be presented on my site. And consent and safety with the models that I work with are always top priorities.
Sandra Gibbons

Cancellation? Problems with Logging On?

If you'd like to cancel your subscription at any time, please write me at my email (sandra at tranniesintrouble dot com) and I can take care of it for you. I can also help you out if you're having trouble logging onto the site. Similarly, you can also contact CCBill if you'd prefer at or log onto the CCBill help page. They should be able to take care of most issues. If not, of course, send me an email and I'll help you out.